Ghi chú Đạo_luật_Smith_xét_xử_các_lãnh_đạo_Đảng_Cộng_sản

  1. Nguyên gốc: "to knowingly or willfully advocate... the duty, necessity, desirability, ... of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence... with the intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any government in the United States...."
  2. Nguyên gốc: "the IWW was crushed and never revived, similar action at this time would have been as effective against the Communist Party"
  3. Nguyên gốc: "The outcome of the case will be watched by government and political parties around the world as to how the United States, as an outstanding exponent of democratic government, intends to share the benefits of its civil liberties and yet protect them if and when they appear to be abused by enemies from within"
  4. Nguyên gốc: "no overt act of trying to forcibly overthrow our government is charged ... The government's case is simply that by being members and leaders of the Communist Party, its doctrines and tactics being what they are, the accused are guilty of conspiracy"
  5. Nguyên gốc: "not so much the protection and security of the state as the exploitation of justice for the purpose of propaganda."
  6. Nguyên gốc: "we Americans have far more to fear from those actions which are intended to suppress political freedom than from the teaching of ideas with which we are in disagreement."
  7. Nguyên gốc: "I want to state in no uncertain terms that I as well as the Socialist Workers Party support their struggle against the obnoxious Smith Act, as well as against the indictments under that act".[37]
  8. Nguyên gốc: "The anti-communist hysteria was so intense, and most Americans were so frightened by the Communist issue, that we were convicted before our trial even started"
  9. Nguyên gốc: "after the judge saw what the lawyers were doing, he gave them a little bit of their own medicine, too."
  10. Nguyên gốc: "I find as a matter of law that there is sufficient danger of a substantive evil ..."
  11. tạm dịch: Huân chương Thập tự Cống hiến Xuất chúng, huân chương quân sự cao quý thứ hai trong Quân đội Hoa Kỳ dành cho những người lính trong chiến tranh
  12. Nguyên gốc: "The Communist Party may prove to be a hydra-headed monster unless we can discover how to kill the body as well as how to cut off its heads."
  13. Nguyên gốc: "communists have been and are today at work within the very gates of America.... Wherever they may be, they have in common one diabolic ambition: to weaken and to eventually destroy American democracy by stealth and cunning."
  14. Nguyên gốc: "public opinion being what it now is, few will protest the conviction of these Communist petitioners. There is hope, however, that, in calmer times, when present pressures, passions and fears subside, this or some later Court will restore the First Amendment liberties to the high preferred place where they belong in a free society."

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Đạo luật cải cách và bảo vệ người tiêu dùng trên phố Wall Đạo luật Smith xét xử các lãnh đạo Đảng Cộng sản Đạo luật Chăm sóc sức khoẻ Mỹ năm 2017 Đạo luật Độc lập Litva Đạo luật Nhập cư và Quốc tịch 1965 Đạo luật Chống lại Kẻ thù của nước Mỹ thông qua trừng phạt Đạo luật CAN-SPAM Đạo luật Tái thiết lập Nhà nước Litva Đạo luật Quan hệ Đài Loan Đạo luật Bảo vệ Bệnh nhân và Chăm sóc Sức khỏe Hợp túi tiền

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WikiPedia: Đạo_luật_Smith_xét_xử_các_lãnh_đạo_Đảng_Cộng_sản